Regulation / Specifications

ARTICLE 1 : Organization of the contest

The contest « Innov’In Pack by CVP for Lille Design », hereafter referred to as « the contest », is organized from 02/09/2019 to 30/04/2020 on the website by CVP (Creative Vision of Packaging) company, recognized as a Société par Actions Simplifiées, with its headquarters based 99 rue de l’Union, Village des Voiles 1 Bât C Entrée 1 in 59118 Wambrechies, France.

ARTICLE 2 : Objectives of the contest

Packaging is, by its nature, an ephemeral and attractive object. The consumer requires of it to respond to its primary function of containing a certain content. Accessible, useful and aesthetic, tomorrow’s packaging must also respond to his environmental constraints.

The objective of this contest is to appeal to the creativity of packaging design students from several universities and colleges around the world. Faced with ecological issues, participants have to create, invent or innovate a product or service for a packaging that is more sustainable, aesthetic and keeping all its functionality.

To achieve this, this contest appeals to four central themes:

  • Sharing economy : or how to replace the sale of a good by the sale of its use, suppressing the link between added value and the consumption of energy and raw material.
  • Eco-design: Eco-designing a packaging is based on a reflection articulated around the life cycle. This approach encourages participants to consider the environmental impact of their packaging, from the supply of raw materials to the end of its This innovative approach focuses essentially on reducing the carbon footprint (CO2) of the product or service.
  • Economically viable: Marketable under a brand name or concerned with the quality perceived by consumers, packaging design aims to a launch in the packaging market.
  • Disruptive: Design is interested in building on innovation, banning the past and going beyond the simple need of the consumer.

Projects must answer at least three of the four criteria described above.

ARTICLE 3 : Contest programme

The contest consists of the following stages:

  • Projects realisation phase by the students on the basis of the contest goals (see preceding article). At this stage a CVP member will be assigned as a referent to each students group registered in the competition.
  • Receipt of application files: between 1 October 2019 and 31 December 2019 midnight participants submit their project, describing their innovation idea according to the Information Note available on the contest The jury will examine the files from 2 to 31 January 2020 and select the teams eligible to participate to the second phase of the competition.
  • Selection of projects: Between 1 February 2020 and 17 March 2020 the jury will analyze and select the projects and return to the finalist teams by March 25.
  • Final phase: After presentations of the projects before the jury (31 March 2020), he will deliberate and announce the winning teams of the contest.

As you know, we are facing an exceptional event which take place on a global level. In France, the government has taken measures to slow the progression of COVID-19. The final of our competition,  which was scheduled for March 31, 2020, is now postponed. We will keep you informed as soon as possible about the new date. 

ARTICLE 4 : Terms and conditions for entry into the contest

Only students of legal age and enrolled in a master’s programme as of 2 September 2019 are eligible to the contest. Participants may form teams of two to six students from the same school or not (the number of participants and teams is not limited). Registered teams will also be followed-up by a CVP referent to answer to their questions about the contest. However, the team can be supervised by a professor or researcher who can follow them up throughout their project.

CVP reserves the right to cancel the contest if less than five applications are received by 31 December 2019. Applicants expressly recognize this possibility to CVP. In this case, all participants already registered will be advised and all elements of the files will be returned.

Teams are invited to register at between 2 September 2019 and 31 December 2019 midnight. They will have to fill in the identity of their project and its members (project name, first and last names of the candidates, telephone number, email address, name of school, year of school registration).

If a professor or researcher supervises the team during the project, the name and the quality of this person must also be indicated in the registration file on the website.

In order to meet the requirements of the pre-selection phase, students, by team or not, are invited to describe the technical operation of the project and its innovative character.

This file must be sent by email to the address specified on the contest website by 31 December 2019 midnight; the date and time of the receipt of the project by CVP will be considered as proof.

Each file shall be composed exclusively of elements created by the participants, to the exclusion of any other element likely to be protected or appropriated by physical or intangible property rights (intellectual or industrial protection rights, personality rights, etc.). The presence of any element resulting from a project or document from the ownership of a third party will result in the elimination of a pre-selected project.

It should be noted that any complacent, incomplete, inconsistent or fanciful file will result in the rejection of the team’s request to participate in the contest.

ARTICLE 5 : Procedures for awarding the prize

The jury is made of five persons. Each jury member will have a simple voice during the decision phases. Voting will be by majority.

The teams will be judged on the clarity of the presentation of their project, the operating of their vision of the chosen innovation, the respect of the objectives, the advantages related to this project and the realisation of a market study on a larger scale of their innovation.

The prizes shall be awarded after deliberation by the jury. During the pre-selection phase, the jury reserves the right to exclude projects which do not meet these criteria or which do not respect the spirit and purpose of the contest. The jury will also ensure that projects meet technical criteria for participation, public order and morality, and do not interfere with the intellectual property rights of a third party.

The organizing members of the contest reserve the right to verify and dismiss any registered team if any breach of this regulation is found.

The names of the winning teams will be posted on the contest website. They will also be informed by email following the deliberation of the jury. Contest finalists will be invited to an official presentation of their prizes on Thursday 2 April 2020 (time to be confirmed).

ARTICLE 6 : Contest prizes

The first prize is € 3,000. The second prize is € 2,000. The third prize is € 1,000.

Prizes will be paid out by personal cheques issued by CVP.

ARTICLE 7 : Responsibilities

CVP SAS is not responsible for the proper functioning of the Internet network, nor for the hardware and software equipment of the participants. It is the responsibility of each participating team to ensure that it is technically able to address all the necessary elements for its participation in the contest before 31/12/2019.

CVP SAS does not guarantee that:

I) the website on which the contest is accessible shall operate without interruption or error, or its possible defects of operation shall be corrected.

II) the website on which the contest is accessible and/or third party sites with which it has links do not contain viruses or other computer programmes of any kind, likely to cause damage to property and people. CVP SAS may in no case be held responsible for any damage or injury of any kind (material, financial or other) that occurred on the occasion of participation in this contest. CVP SAS cannot incur any liability if, in the event of force majeure or events beyond its constitutional control, in particular – but not limited to – foreign or coincidental cases within the meaning of French civil law, it was required to cancel, shorten, extend, postpone the contest or modify the conditions of participation (including access to the contest at the beginning of the contest or in the course of the contest) and the procedures for the operation of the contest. In particular, CVP SAS reserves the right to extend the duration of any stage of the contest, and consequently to postpone the closing date of each stage, on the sole ground that the contributions of the participants would be insufficient in quantity or quality, without his responsibility being sought for this reason.

ARTICLE 8 : Computer Technology and Freedom

The information provided in the context of the contest will be subject to computer processing only for the use of CVP SAS. In accordance with the Data protection Act of 6 August 2004, any participant has a right to access, rectify or delete personal data collected by CVP SAS. These rights may be exercised on simple written request at the address of the contest: CVP SAS, Village des Voiles 1, bât C Entrée 1, 99 rue de l’Union, 59118 Wambrechies or by email: The data collected is required to participate in the contest. Therefore, individuals who exercise the right to delete their data before the end of the contest will be deemed to waive their participation.

ARTICLE 9 : Acceptance of the contest rules and applicable law

Participating in the contest implies full acceptance of:

  • the terms of the rules published on the contest website.
  • the selection of teams and winners by the jury of the contest.

Each participating team shall certify they meet all the conditions necessary to participate in the contest, in accordance with the conditions of the contest rules as well as the applicable French laws and regulations. Any fraud or attempted fraud (including any misrepresentation of identity or address) or non-compliance with these regulations or malicious intent to disrupt the conduct of the contest will automatically result in the elimination of the team involved; CVP SAS reserves the right to initiate proceedings against it. The jury report of the prize is available upon request, by explicit email of the competitors not selected by CVP, until one month after the announcement of the winners at the contact address indicated on Competitors expressly renounce any debate to the jury’s decisions. Any other difficulty in applying or interpreting this regulation shall be resolved by CVP SAS. The contest and these rules shall be subject to French law and to the competence of the French courts, notwithstanding any broadcast of the contest on websites located in foreign states and notwithstanding the nationality of the participants.

ARTICLE 10 : Jury and confidentiality clause

The members of the jury as well as the persons who will have access to the projects as part of the contest Innov’In Pack by CVP are commited, in writing (via a non-disclosure agreement), to keep full confidentiality of any information relating to the projects presented by the students. In addition, it will not be communicated externally on the content of the projects without the prior written consent of the candidates, apart from the non-confidential summary stipulated on the application file.

The intellectual property of the project remains fully retained by the creative team.